Upcoming Events

Northern Soul - 3rd Saturday of every month
Date - 3rd Saturday of every month
Time - 19:00-00:30
Tickets - £5 on the door

Date - Saturday 28th March
Time - Doors open at 18:30
Tickets - £6 on the door or visit

Social Dance
Date - Saturday 11th April
Time - 19:30-23:00
Tickets - £5 on the door

Roaring 20s night, featuring The Ashby Band
Including supper
Date - Saturday 2nd May
Time - 19:30 - 23:30
Tickets - £16 per ticket
Optional 20s fancy dress

Sutton's Got Talent
Date - Saturday 9th May
Time - 18:00
Tickets - £5 per ticket - pre booking essential
Are you a singer, comedian, dancer or any other talent and would like to showcase to Sutton for a cash prize?
To enter email harwoodschoolofdancing@gmail.com
Closing date for entries - 25th April